label_0ToMax | "0 to max" |
label_0ToScm | "0 to scm" |
label_Ammo | "Ammo" |
label_AmmoPerShot | "Ammo use" |
label_AmmoSpeed | "Muzzle velocity" |
label_Announced | "Announced" |
label_ArmTime | "Arm time" |
label_Armor | "Armor" |
label_AutoZeroingTime | "Auto zeroing time" |
label_Availability | "Availability" |
label_Biochemical | "Biochemical" |
label_Brochure | "Brochure" |
label_Capacity | "Capacity" |
label_Cargo | "Cargo" |
label_ChargeTime | "Charge" |
label_Claim | "Claim" |
label_Class | "Class" |
label_Clothing | "Clothing" |
label_CommunitySites | "Community sites" |
label_ConceptSale | "Concept sale" |
label_CooldownTime | "Cooldown" |
label_CoolingRate | "Cooling rate" |
label_Cost | "Cost" |
label_Crew | "Crew" |
label_CrossSection | "Cross section" |
label_Damage | "Alpha damage" |
label_DamageBiochemical | "☣️" |
label_DamageDistortion | "〰️" |
label_DamageEnergy | "⚡" |
label_DamagePerSecond | "DPS" |
label_DamagePhysical | "💪" |
label_DamageStun | "💫" |
label_DamageThermal | "🔥" |
label_Damages | "Damage" |
label_Defense | "Defense" |
label_Development | "Development" |
label_Dimensions | "Dimensions" |
label_Distortion | "Distortion" |
label_DistortionDecayDelay | "Distortion decay delay" |
label_DistortionDecayRate | "Distortion decay" |
label_DistortionHealthPoint | "Distortion health" |
label_Duration | "Duration" |
label_EM | "EM" |
label_EMDecayRate | "EM decay" |
label_EMPRadius | "EMP radius" |
label_Effect | "Effect" |
label_EffectiveRange | "Effective range" |
label_Electromagnetic | "Electromagnetic" |
label_Emission | "Emission" |
label_Energy | "Energy" |
label_Engineering | "Engineering" |
label_ErrorChance | "Error" |
label_Expedite | "Expedite" |
label_ExpediteFee | "Expedite fee" |
label_ExplosionRadius | "Explosion radius" |
label_ExtractionLaserPower | "Extraction laser power" |
label_ExtractionThroughput | "Extraction throughput" |
label_FiringRate | "Firing rate" |
label_Fuel | "Fuel" |
label_FuelCapacity | "Capacity" |
label_FuelDrainRate | "Drain rate" |
label_FuelFillRate | "Fill rate" |
label_Galactapedia | "Galactapedia" |
label_Health | "Health" |
label_Height | "Height" |
label_Hull | "Hull" |
label_HydrationEfficacyIndex | "HEI" |
label_HydrogenCapacity | "Hydrogen capacity" |
label_HydrogenIntake | "Hydrogen intake" |
label_IR | "IR" |
label_IgniteTime | "Ignite time" |
label_Infrared | "Infrared" |
label_Insurance | "Insurance" |
label_InterdictionRange | "Snare radius" |
label_Inventory | "Inventory" |
label_IssueCouncil | "Issue council" |
label_JammerRange | "Dampen radius" |
label_Length | "Length" |
label_Loaner | "Loaner" |
label_Loaner_desc | "Granted to player when that vehicle is unavaliable in game (e.g. gameplay bugs, not flight ready, etc.)." |
label_Loaner_title | "Loaner vehicle" |
label_LockTime | "Lock time" |
label_Lore | "Lore" |
label_Mass | "Mass" |
label_MaxSpeed | "Max speed" |
label_MaxTo0 | "Max to 0" |
label_MaximumAngle | "Max angle" |
label_MaximumCoolingRate | "Cooling rate" |
label_MaximumForce | "Max force" |
label_MaximumRange | "Max range" |
label_MaximumVolume | "Max volume" |
label_MiningLaserPower | "Mining laser power" |
label_MisfireTemperature | "Misfire temperature" |
label_Modes | "Modes" |
label_ModifierCatastrophicChargeRate | "Catastrophic charge rate" |
label_ModifierDamage | "Damage" |
label_ModifierDamageTakenBiochemical | "☣️" |
label_ModifierDamageTakenDistortion | "〰️" |
label_ModifierDamageTakenEnergy | "⚡" |
label_ModifierDamageTakenPhysical | "💪" |
label_ModifierDamageTakenStun | "💫" |
label_ModifierDamageTakenThermal | "🔥" |
label_ModifierDuration | "Duration" |
label_ModifierExtractionEfficiency | "Efficiency" |
label_ModifierExtractionLaserPower | "Extraction laser power" |
label_ModifierFireRecoilStrength | "Recoil" |
label_ModifierInertMaterials | "Inert materials" |
label_ModifierLaserInstability | "Laser instability" |
label_ModifierMiningLaserPower | "Mining laser power" |
label_ModifierOptimalChargeRate | "Optimal charge rate" |
label_ModifierOptimalChargeWindowSize | "Optimal charge window" |
label_ModifierRadius | "Radius" |
label_ModifierResistance | "Resistance" |
label_ModifierSalvageSpeed | "Speed" |
label_ModifierShatterDamage | "Shatter damage" |
label_ModifierSize | "Size" |
label_ModifierSoundRadius | "Noise" |
label_Modifiers | "Modifiers" |
label_ModuleSlots | "Module slots" |
label_NutritionalDensityRating | "NDR" |
label_Occupancy | "Occupancy" |
label_OfficialSites | "Official sites" |
label_OpticsMagnification | "Magnification" |
label_OptimalRange | "Optimal range" |
label_OtherSites | "Other sites" |
label_OverheatTemperature | "Overheat temperature" |
label_Overview | "Overview" |
label_Physical | "Physical" |
label_PitchRate | "Pitch rate" |
label_Pledge | "Pledge" |
label_PledgeStore | "Pledge store" |
label_PortCount | "Port count" |
label_PortSize | "Port size" |
label_Portfolio | "Portfolio" |
label_PowerDraw | "Power draw" |
label_PowerOutput | "Power output" |
label_PowerToEM | "PWR per EM" |
label_Presentation | "Presentation" |
label_ProjectilePerShot | "Projectile" |
label_QA | "Q&A" |
label_QuantumCapacity | "Quantum capacity" |
label_QuantumFuelRequirement | "Consumption" |
label_QuantumRange | "Quantum range" |
label_QuantumSpeed | "Quantum" |
label_QuantumTravelDisconnectRange | "Exit distance" |
label_QuantumTravelRange | "Range" |
label_QuantumTravelSpeed | "Speed" |
label_Released | "Released" |
label_ResistanceTemperature | "Temperature" |
label_Resistances | "Resistances" |
label_Retired | "Retired" |
label_ReverseSpeed | "Reverse speed" |
label_Role | "Role" |
label_RollRate | "Roll rate" |
label_ScmSpeed | "Scm speed" |
label_ScmTo0 | "Scm to 0" |
label_Series | "Series" |
label_ShieldHealthPoint | "Shield health" |
label_ShieldPointRegeneration | "Regen rate" |
label_ShieldRegenDelay | "Regen delay" |
label_SignalType | "Tracking signal" |
label_Size | "Size" |
label_Size_game_desc | "In-game size is the vehicle size that CIG uses in game. It is referred by CIG both numerically and alphabetically." |
label_Size_game_title | "In-game size" |
label_Size_shipmatrix_desc | "Ship Matrix size is the vehicle size that CIG uses on the pledge store and ship matrix. It might not match the in-game size and can be outdated for flight ready vehicles." |
label_Size_shipmatrix_title | "Ship Matrix size" |
label_Specifications | "Specifications" |
label_Speed | "Speed" |
label_Standalone | "Standalone" |
label_Standalone_desc | "[[Standalone pledge]]s are pledge packages that do not contain the game. Original price is shown in the brackets if it is different than the currnet price." |
label_Standalone_title | "Standalone pledge price" |
label_StartCoolingTemperature | "Cooling temperature" |
label_Stowage | "Stowage" |
label_Stun | "Stun" |
label_Subtype | "Subtype" |
label_Tags | "Tags" |
label_Temperature | "Temperature" |
label_TemperatureToIR | "°C per IR" |
label_Thermal | "Thermal" |
label_ThermalEnergyOutput | "Heat output" |
label_Trailer | "Trailer" |
label_Type | "Type" |
label_Universe | "Universe" |
label_Uses | "Uses" |
label_Warbond | "Warbond" |
label_Warbond_desc | "[[Warbond pledge]]s are available at a discount as they are available for cash only and cannot be acquired using any amount of [[store credit]]. Original price is shown in the brackets if it is different than the currnet price." |
label_Warbond_title | "Warbond pledge price" |
label_WhitleysGuide | "Whitley's Guide" |
label_Width | "Width" |
label_YawRate | "Yaw rate" |
label_ZeroingRange | "Zeroing range" |
label_ZeroingRangeIncrement | "Zeroing range increment" |
label_actions_find_item_text | "Powered by Universal Item Finder" |
label_actions_find_item_title | "Find item in game" |
label_data_source | "Data source" |
label_itemtype_bomb | "Bomb" |
label_itemtype_cargo.small | "Commodity" |
label_itemtype_char_accessory_eyes | "Eyewear" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_arms.heavy | "Arms armor" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_arms.light | "Arms armor" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_arms.medium | "Arms armor" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_backpack | "Backpack" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_backpack.personal | "Backpack" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_helmet | "Helmet" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_helmet.heavy | "Helmet" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_helmet.light | "Helmet" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_helmet.medium | "Helmet" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_legs.heavy | "Legs armor" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_legs.light | "Legs armor" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_legs.medium | "Legs armor" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_torso.heavy | "Torso armor" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_torso.light | "Torso armor" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_torso.medium | "Torso armor" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_undersuit | "Undersuit" |
label_itemtype_char_armor_undersuit.heavy | "Undersuit" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_feet | "Footwear" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_hands | "Gloves" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_hat | "Hat" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_hat.heavy | "Hat" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_hat.light | "Hat" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_hat.medium | "Hat" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_legs | "Legwear" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_legs.heavy | "Legwear" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_legs.light | "Legwear" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_legs.medium | "Legwear" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_torso_0 | "Shirt" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_torso_1 | "Outerwear" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_torso_1.heavy | "Outerwear" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_torso_1.light | "Outerwear" |
label_itemtype_char_clothing_torso_1.medium | "Outerwear" |
label_itemtype_container.cargo | "Cargo pod" |
label_itemtype_cooler | "Cooler" |
label_itemtype_dockingcollar | "Fuel nozzle" |
label_itemtype_drink.bottle | "Drink" |
label_itemtype_drink.can | "Drink" |
label_itemtype_emp | "EMP generator" |
label_itemtype_externalfueltank | "Fuel pod" |
---| | "Food" |
---| | "Food" |
label_itemtype_food.consumable | "Food" |
label_itemtype_food.harvestable | "Food" |
label_itemtype_food.junk | "Food" |
label_itemtype_food.plant | "Food" |
label_itemtype_food.sachet | "Food" |
label_itemtype_food.tin | "Food" |
label_itemtype_fps_consumable | "Consumable" |
label_itemtype_fps_consumable.hacking | "Cryptokey" |
label_itemtype_fps_consumable.medical | "Medical consumable" |
label_itemtype_fps_consumable.medpack | "Medical consumable" |
label_itemtype_fps_consumable.oxygencap | "Medical consumable" |
label_itemtype_inventorycontainer.cargo | "Container" |
label_itemtype_item | "Item" |
label_itemtype_miningmodifier.gun | "Mining module" |
label_itemtype_misc | "Miscellaneous item" |
label_itemtype_misc.harvestable | "Harvestable item" |
label_itemtype_missile.missile | "Missile" |
label_itemtype_missile.torpedo | "Torpedo" |
label_itemtype_missilelauncher.missilerack | "Missile rack" |
label_itemtype_powerplant.power | "Power plant" |
label_itemtype_quantumdrive | "Quantum drive" |
label_itemtype_quantuminterdictiongenerator | "Quantum enforcement device" |
label_itemtype_radar.midrangeradar | "Radar" |
label_itemtype_salvagehead | "Salvage head" |
label_itemtype_salvagemodifier | "Scraper module" |
label_itemtype_salvagemodifier.salvagemodifier_tractorbeam | "Tractor beam" |
label_itemtype_shield | "Shield generator" |
label_itemtype_towingbeam | "Towing beam" |
label_itemtype_tractorbeam | "Tractor beam" |
label_itemtype_turret.ballturret | "Weapon mount" |
label_itemtype_turret.canardturret | "Weapon mount" |
label_itemtype_turret.gunturret | "Weapon mount" |
label_itemtype_turret.nosemounted | "Weapon mount" |
label_itemtype_weaponattachment | "Weapon attachment" |
label_itemtype_weaponattachment.barrel | "Barrel attachment" |
label_itemtype_weaponattachment.bottomattachment | "Underbarrel attachment" |
label_itemtype_weaponattachment.ironsight | "Optics attachment" |
label_itemtype_weaponattachment.magazine | "Magazine" |
label_itemtype_weaponattachment.utility | "Multi-Tool attachment" |
label_itemtype_weapongun.gun | "Gun" |
label_itemtype_weapongun.rocket | "Rocket pod" |
label_itemtype_weaponmining.gun | "Mining laser" |
label_itemtype_weaponpersonal.gadget | "Gadget" |
label_itemtype_weaponpersonal.grenade | "Grenade" |
label_itemtype_weaponpersonal.knife | "Knife" |
label_itemtype_weaponpersonal.large | "Shouldered weapon" |
label_itemtype_weaponpersonal.medium | "Stocked weapon" |
label_itemtype_weaponpersonal.small | "Sidearm weapon" |
label_productionstate_active_for_squadron_42 | "Active for Squadron 42" |
label_productionstate_active_for_squadron_42_desc | "The vehicle is mentioned to be in development for Squadron 42, but is not avaliable in the Persistent Universe." |
label_productionstate_active_production | "Active production" |
label_productionstate_active_production_desc | "Development, designers, and QA work from start to finish on the vehicle." |
label_productionstate_flight_ready | "Flight ready" |
label_productionstate_flight_ready_desc | "The vehicle can fly/drive with full operations including physics, interactions, systems, fuel, cargo, and more." |
label_productionstate_in_concept | "In concept" |
label_productionstate_in_concept_desc | "Artists and designers determine the concept look, 3D renders, and functional design for a vehicle." |
label_productionstate_in_lore | "In lore" |
label_productionstate_in_lore_desc | "The vehicle is mentioned in lore only." |
label_productionstate_long_term_production | "Long term production" |
label_productionstate_long_term_production_desc | "Development work is planned and added to the Roadmap." |
label_quick_facts | "Quick facts" |
label_upload_image | "Upload image" |